Junior High Ministry
Students in 6th-8th grades are invited to join us for FCC Kidz each Sunday morning. As with other students they begin 10am Worship in the Sanctuary with their adults. They, too, are invited to the Children’s Circle. Then, they go downstairs to meet as a group with our staff and/or volunteer youth leaders.
Through scripture and stories, discussion and questions, and games and activities, we encourage welcoming community and deepening of faith. Here, our Junior High students come into their own understanding of faith and build relationships with one another.

On first Sundays, we gather for Brunch Bunch following 10am worship. This is an opportunity for discussion and community building with one another, our youth volunteers, and our staff. Senior high youth also meet for Brunch Bunch. While youth are meeting with volunteer leaders and Lily Tinker Fortel, parents are invited for brunch and conversation with Darcy Crain.
Outside of Sunday mornings, our Junior High Youth Group meets monthly for a social gathering and/or opportunities for service in our community.