At FCC, we believe children and youth are the present, not just the future. Each month and every Sunday, we offer engaging programming for all children and youth. We also create intergenerational worship, fellowship and faith formation opportunities for all ages, so we can all grow together.

Most months, we host a First Friday Family Fun Night. Each year, our children lead the 5:30pm Christmas Eve Pageant with live animals. We also have fun activities, including:

  • Our Advent Afternoon of Fun Christmas craft party in December.
  • An Easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday.
  • An overnight weekend family camp each spring.

Check out our FCC events calendar for all of our upcoming events.

If you plan to join us on Sunday mornings, please complete the 2024-2025 registration form based on your child’s age:

Questions? For additional information regarding our programming for children and youth of all ages, contact Associate Minister Rev. Lily Tinker Fortel or Children’s Ministry Coordinator Marina Baker.

FCC Kidz Zone: FCC Kidz Zone is located on the lower level of the building. If you are new to the building, please ask anyone for directions.

**Please note that FCC – and especially Kidz Zone – is a nut-free zone due to nut allergies.**

Each Sunday, FCC’s children and youth are invited to begin 10am Worship in the Sanctuary with their adults. Toward the beginning of the service, they are invited to come forward for a Children’s Circle with one of our ministers. Then, they have the option to leave for FCC Kidz, our Sunday school program, or stay in worship with their adults. We offer opportunities for children and students of all ages to worship, play, create, sing, and study as we learn about God and our faith. Children can be picked up downstairs in the FCC Kidz Zone following worship.

Sometimes on Sunday mornings, our students attend “Kidz Chapel.” This is a worship service for children and youth that takes place in our chapel during the 10am worship service. Sometimes our kids and youth sing to the congregation during 10am worship.

We draw our lessons and activities from a variety of sources. Sometimes we use a curriculum called Shine; sometimes we use curricula from Illustrated Ministry, or other sources; sometimes we make our own lessons. We like to customize lessons, stories, and activities to best fit our students. Sometimes events and service opportunities in the life of the broader congregation shape our curriculum. 

Select a box below to see details of our programs for each age group.

Nursery newborn to 2 years
The letter L and the words Lower Elementary and age 5 - 2nd grade
The letter U and the words Upper Elementary and 3rd grade - 5th grade
Youth middle school and high school