Pastoral Prayer – RKL

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Loving and Ever-present God…..Even as we enjoy the beautiful and fresh colors of spring today…and the inspiration of our worship……we are only too aware of the numbing concerns and clamorous needs that surround us today!   Our hearts have once again been broken….and our anger and dismay have once again been amplified…by the senseless shootings and pervasive human losses of this past week.  We weep with the Adam Toledo family in Chicago, with the Daunte Wright family in Minneapolis; with the loved ones of the victims of the mass shooting in Indianapolis, with the rising number of coronavirus victims in our State, nation, and world…..and with so tragically many other sad, severe, and bewildering events and calamities…..Hear our cries, O Lord!!  Lead us to the Rock that is higher than ourselves!

O God, as we try to make sense of the senseless…and as we wrestle with the realities of our wonderful and terrible world….help us to affirm that all humankind is created with dignity, value, and worth….that all humankind is welcomed into sphere of your love and justice….and that we, your people, are charged with the responsibility to care for, and advocate for, all people…and for your whole creation….as we seek to be faithful reflections of your eternal good will and purposeful ideals.  

O God….the tombs of darkness, dread, and hopelessness continue to press upon us….We need to be reminded again and again of your resurrection promise of possibility…and of hope beyond what we can see!  How we need to be lifted today by the good news of Mary, as she announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord!”

We also pray today for those others, both near and far, whose needs are urgent.  We think of those who are sick, and those who are recovering from illness….We think of those whose days are uncertain, and for those whose futures are unclear….We think of those who are feeling the heavy load of anxiety and the burdens of fear….For those who are tired…..and those who are weary or feeling overwhelmed…We think of those today who are simply worn out from 14 months of Covid fatigue, and apartness…and indecision.  Loving and compassionate God….we know you are with us, even when things seem out-of-control and hopeless and even when we can’t sense your presence of nearness……Grant to each of us and to all….your peace which surpasses understanding, your comfort and strength, and your courage, hope, and love.

Help us, O God, to be all that you have created us to be…..And give us inner joy at the utter miracle of life and the gift of each new day.

Loving God, may we everyday celebrate your Easter call to love and work….anchored in your never ending, eternal, and undying love. All this we pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.