Text: “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” 

Scripture: Psalm 145:18

Reflection (a Prayer): 

Living and loving God, in a week, in only 14 days, our state went from 0 COVID-19 cases to 1,791. Our world has changed, our futures have changed, and the ground upon which we stand seems unsteady. With each rise in numbers, with this week’s new executive order to “stay at home,” with each projection, graph and press conference, we grow more and more anxious. 

You are a God who have led your people through famine and drought, from slavery to liberation, from chaos to shalom. You will continue to lead us now. For we know you are a God of compassion, a God of justice, and a God who desires good for your beloved humanity. We hold fast to who you are, and we open our eyes we see you at work in the midst of this crisis. We see your strength in the hands and spirit of each nurse, tech, doctor, and healthcare provider that valiantly goes into work without enough protection. We see your compassion and justice in the way they do not waver, in their commitment to do good, to heal, to serve. 

We see your goodness in the outreach of performers, teachers, and news anchors who livestream the gifts they bring to inspire others. We see you at work in each neighbor who befriends another, who sacrifices, so that those who are most vulnerable amongst us are protected. We see you, our living and loving God. We see you and we are thankful that you continue work in and through and around us, once again leading us from chaos towards shalom. 

God be with all those who are isolated, who are anxious, and who are exhausted. Be with all our leaders at the governor, city, and local levels of safety, health, and education are working long hours, faced with grueling decisions. Infuse them with your wisdom, help us to mirror your grace. Be with all those parents trying to juggle children and remote work. Be with all those young people who are facing lost hopes and dreams, for those whom this social isolation triggers feelings of loneliness or depression. 

Stir within us Lord your strength, your wisdom, and your compassion as we navigate these unknown waters. Once again, O God, lead your people, from chaos to shalom. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Focus for the day: Call on the Lord in prayer, for the Lord has led us through crises for centuries. 

Author: Darcy Crain